Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Getting Back On Track

After several months away, I am back. I am putting a focus back on my career and trying to move things forward even if some would dare to say I have taken several steps (if not years) back.
Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
I consider myself both lucky and blessed to have made it through some rather difficult times in recent months. As difficult as it can be, I am trying to stop looking back and analysing the past, I can do nothing to change, what has been, what was said, what was done. I need to refocus all my energies on my new job, my new responsibilities and my future. This of course is much easier said than done, but I have a few ideas and am in discussions with family, close friends and colleagues on the next steps. There is a great deal to be done and time is not on my side. This is the moment - Carpe Diem!

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